Sauerkraut pasta

Sauerkraut pasta

regional cuisine – tasty stir-fries made with pasta, sauerkraut and roasted onions

Ingredients: Pasta* 55 % (WHEAT flour*, water, durum WHEAT semolina*, sea salt), sauerkraut* 34,2 % (white cabbage*, salt), fried onions* 5 % (onions*, sunflower oil*), water, vegetable stock* (sea salt, maltodextrin*, cane sugar*, vegetable powder* (parsnip*, onion*, tomato*), caramelised sugar*, sunflower oil*, spices* (garlic powder*, white pepper powder*, turmeric powder*)), cane sugar*, WHEAT starch*, caraway powder*
allergenic ingredients: Gluten

Unit: 350 g

EAN: 4026813330598

*= ingredients from organic farming

Allergy notes: Gluten

Storage: Store at -18°C. Once defrosted do not refreeze.

Provenance: Germany (DE)

Preparation: Fry the frozen product in a pan with a little oil for about 10 minutes, seasoning to taste and stir several times.


aroma, consistency:
Consistency: firm to the bite


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