French tartes flambées with mushrooms and garlic

French tartes flambées with mushrooms and garlic

ready to bake

Ingredients: Topping : CURD CHEESE*, CRÈME FRAÎCHE* 17 %, mushrooms* 15 %, water, corn starch*, garlic* 1 %, parsley*, sea salt, Dough : WHEAT flour*, water, sunflower oil*, sea salt, RYE flour*, yeast*
allergenic ingredients: Gluten, Milk and dairy products including lactose

Unit: 2 x 260 g

EAN: 4026813330529

*= ingredients from organic farming

Allergy notes: Gluten, Milk and dairy products including lactose

Storage: Store at -18°C. Once defrosted do not refreeze.

Provenance: France (FR)

Preparation: Remove all packaging from the product and let the tarte flambée defrost at room temperature while preheat the oven with baking plate to 260°C. Place the tarte flambée on the preheated baking plate at the lowest baking grid and bake for 5 to 8 minutes. Adjust time according to the characteristics of your oven.


aroma, consistency:
Consistency: crispy base, soft topping


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